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Brick Buildings

General Terms & Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all agreements for the provision of services and products by Palsa & Pulk B.V. These conditions may only be deviated from if the parties expressly agree to this in writing.



  • At Palsa & Pulk B.V., we value a good and open relationship with our clients and do everything we can to maintain this relationship and our professionalism.

  • Palsa & Pulk B.V.'s consultants comply with the professional code of conduct and rules of the Dutch Order for Organizational Consultants and Organizational Experts (Orde van organisatiekundingen en -adviseurs, OOA).

  • Palsa & Pulk B.V. delivers its services and products in accordance with the terms and conditions of the OOA.

  • As a courtesy, Palsa & Pulk B.V. can upon request send you an unofficial machine translation in English of each of the documents referenced above.


Limitation of liability

  • Palsa & Pulk B.V.'s liability — and that of its officers, employees, consultants, contractors, agents, and the service providers it engages — shall never exceed:

    1. the amount of the fee for the part of Palsa & Pulk B.V.'s work that gives rise to liability, unless this is due to intent or gross negligence; and

    2. the amount that will be paid out in the relevant case under the professional liability insurance taken out by Palsa & Pulk B.V., increased by Palsa & Pulk B.V.'s own risk under that insurance.

    3. For the avoidance of doubt, the upper limit on the liability shall be set at the amount that is lower amongst (1) and (2).

  • In case a lower limit has explicitly been placed on the liability in the agreement between Palsa & Pulk B.V. and the client(s), the aforementioned liability is limited to the amount contractually agreed upon.

  • Palsa & Pulk B.V. is not liable for any other (indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential) damage — including for lost profits or loss of business, nor for damage suffered by third parties; the client must indemnify Palsa & Pulk B.V. against this.


Indemnification by clients

  • As a client of Palsa & Pulk B.V., you shall at all times indemnify us — and our officers, employees, consultants, contractors, agents, and the service providers we engage — against all claims from third parties that in any way arise from or are related to work performed by us on your behalf, unless this is the result of intent or gross negligence.


Ownership of intellectual property

  • The copyright or any other intellectual property right, with regard to the advice that is given, rests with Palsa & Pulk B.V.

  • The client only obtains the right to use this property within the organizational part to which the assignment relates.


Dispute resolution

  • If a dispute arises between the client and Palsa & Pulk B.V. as a result of or in connection with the assignment, the parties will attempt to resolve this dispute by amicable consultation. Amongst others, this includes the possibility of jointly submitting the dispute to an independent expert for advice or mediation.

  • If the dispute cannot be resolved amicably, it will be submitted to the competent civil court.

  • Dutch law applies to all quotations and all assignments, to the exclusion of any other law.

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